Introducing LPG® Endermowear, a cutting-edge technical outfit exclusively designed to enhance endermologie* treatments for cellulite. This advanced apparel enables deep massages and offers optimal visibility of tissues, ensuring a highly effective and comfortable cellulite treatment experience. With its lightweight and breathable design, this personalised outfit maximises the impact of each session, delivering remarkable cellulite reduction results that leave you feeling at ease throughout the process. Elevate your cellulite treatment to a new level of effectiveness and comfort with LPG® Endermowear.
Your customized treatment:
1 to 8 targeted areas
Women: arms, back, waist, stomach, saddlebags, buttocks, thighs, inner thighs, knees, calves.
Men: arms, back, chest, waist, stomach, thighs.
10 min - R220 - 30 min - R660 - 20 min - R440 - 40 min - R880
Signature Treatments:
Fluid mobilization: 30 min – R660
Stimulates circulatory exchanges to fight water retention and drains toxins: skin is
"reoxygenated". For an immediate boost and sensation of lightness.
Relaxation: 30 min – R660
Unwinds areas with muscular tension, climinates stress, and brings a profound sensatior of relaxation. For body-mind balance.
Endermopuncture: 50min – R875
An exceptional treatment that simultaneously stimulates adipocytes (slimming cells), fibroblasts (rejuvenating cells), and their environment for maximum effectiveness. slim your body, and smooth away the appearance of cellulite.
Packages 10 sessions (free assessment + 1 free session + free endermowear™*)
20 minutes - R 3960
30 minutes - R 5940
40 minutes - R 7920
Yearly memberships
24 sessions (free assessment + 4 free sessions + free endermowear™")
20 minutes - R 8800
30 minutes - R 13200
40 minutes - R 17600
Personal assessment - 30 min
Endermowear ™ M & L – R320
Endermowear ™ XL & Men’s – R470
Patented Technology – R530